Location: Gillrath, Gielenkirchen, Germany

With all of the changes to our family lately I thought it would be nice to have somewhere that we can share everything and keep in touch with everyone. Since we have moved to Germany we have so much to share and soon we will have our new arrival! I hope that everyone will be able to stay in touch a little easier through our family website and that maybe it won't seem like we are so far away!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Welcome to Our Family Website

Tuesday August 15, 2006

Today is the first day of posting to our family website so we have a little catching up to do since we moved here to Germany two months ago!

Here is Miss Emilee our first day in Germany. Even though we just came off of a 12 hour flight and have a 5 hour time difference she is still smiling!

We are at a little restaurant in Geilenkirchen. Emilee is chasing the birds and picking up bugs! What a little princess! LOL

This is our trip to Maunschau, in Germany. We are told that this is the only place that was untouched by war. It is a tiny village in a very deep vally. It would always fog over being so deep in the valley so the planes could never see it when they were flying over during the war. We are in a little Italian restaurant for lunch! Below is another image of one of the shops it is such a neat little village and believe it or not people still live here!


Our First Big trip!

Here we are in Paris. The first photo is Adrianna and Emilee posing in front of the Eiffel Tower or as Emilee would say the "Awful Tower" LOL. The second one is of me doing my pregnant Marilyn impression. The funny part is the first time I walked over it I did not realize that the was air blowing up!

The last photo above is Emilee and Jeremy on the Mary-Go- Round which was the most thrilling part of the trip for Emilee, I can't even tell you how much we spent on Mary-Go-Rounds.

This is the Notra Dame Cathedral, still can't believe we were their!

It was absolutely amazing. The detail inside was beautiful. The next picture shows only a small portion of the detail in the stained glass windows!


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