The Thornhill Family

Location: Gillrath, Gielenkirchen, Germany

With all of the changes to our family lately I thought it would be nice to have somewhere that we can share everything and keep in touch with everyone. Since we have moved to Germany we have so much to share and soon we will have our new arrival! I hope that everyone will be able to stay in touch a little easier through our family website and that maybe it won't seem like we are so far away!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

November 5, 2006 - A lot of catch up!

From Paris to Brugges to Euro Disney and then...........Halloween!!

Where has the time Gone?

Paige is almost two months old now. My Mom has come over and we have been back to Paris again, to Brugges and to Euro Disney since Paige has been born.

As usual time flies and before I know it it have been almost two months since I have updated this web site!

Here are the newest pics!

This first one is of my Mom, Paige and I in Paris on top of the "Arc de Triamph". Paige is only a month old here!
We had a great time in Paris again.
Here we are in Brugges, Belgium. This is one of the most beautiful places I have been so far in Europe.

This is my Mom, My Aunt Bev and Emilee in the town center in Brugges. The pictures just don't seem to do the place justice.

Here is a picture from the boat ride through the city.

Sooo the Chocolate was great the city was beautiful......but I must move on to our next vacation!

EURO DISNEY HERE WE COME...........................

October 27th we were off to Euro Disney! The kids were in for the time of their lives!

We arrive at the resort at around 5:00 by the time we get settled it is 6:30 and we are starved.......believe it or not I was never so happy to see a rain forest cafe!!!! A little taste of home!

Moving along......our little reble Emilee was ready for the rides. Adrianna, Emilee and Dad made it on a rollercoaster, the Buzz Light Year ride and a Star Wars ride which Emilee made it through but only said "I want Mommy!" through that one. LOL

This is a picture of the Entrance to Disney it was all done up for Halloween that was the theme while we were their.

Saturday Morning - Breakfast with the Disney Characters

Here is the fam with Mickey.....Wonder if this is the youngest baby he has ever held?

Emilee could not believe that the characters were actually real! She is still talking about it....she hugged Minni so hard that Jeremy and I had tears in our eyes!

Needless to say breakfast with the Disney Characters was worth it!

Miss Emilee who apparently thinks she is a fairy princess is prancing in the street that they were trying to clear for the parade.

This is the witches in the parade of the villians. I would love to have a costume like this for Halloween!

And last but certainly not least, Sundy morning meet the princesses.

Lucky for us it was Cinderella and Snow White. This was all she talked about on the way their and during etc...........when she walked up to Cinderella she just hugged her and wouldn't talk.....she just held on to her dress. Next was Snow White which is what she was planning on dressing up as for Halloween. At least we got her to actually look at the camera for this picture!


So having been at Euro Disney only days before Halloween, the girls were both Disney princesses for the big event!

Adrianna is the beautiful Belle.........

And Miss Emilee as "Snow White"