Location: Gillrath, Gielenkirchen, Germany

With all of the changes to our family lately I thought it would be nice to have somewhere that we can share everything and keep in touch with everyone. Since we have moved to Germany we have so much to share and soon we will have our new arrival! I hope that everyone will be able to stay in touch a little easier through our family website and that maybe it won't seem like we are so far away!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Only 14 more sleeps till Santa comes!

We are almost ready for Christmas. The kids are very excited that Nanny & Poppy will be here next week!

Here are some more pics of the girls. I was bored on Sunday so I thought I would give it a go.

Paige is 3 months and 2 days old in this picture. She is getting soooo big now. She is holding herself up and is able to go in her exersaucer now! She is just starting to try and pull herself up from lying back to sitting.

She has just started on fruits and pablum and is loving it! So far her favourite is banana's nd sweet potatoes!

Here is Adrianna. She is 11 now hard to believe in a few months she will be 12.
She is such a great big sister!

Last but not least.......Miss Emilee.
Emilee started preschool on Monday and has already learned how to print the letter I. She is very excited as she not longer has to have her afternoon nap on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays! I can't imagine little Emilee getting on a big bus and going to school everyday.

Here is a shot of the girls together.

Well that is all for now. We will update after Christmas! Take care everyone!


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